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Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I need some type of audio or video highlights of the 1995 playoff football game between plano east and tyler.?
I would just like audio, video or preferably the espn highlight of the 1995 playoff football game between plano east and john tyler that ended in a 48-44 victory for Tyler.I need some type of audio or video highlights of the 1995 playoff football game between plano east and tyler.?
try searching under the Yahoo Video tab.
try searching under the Yahoo Video tab.
American 'football' sucks. other then highlights, which can be exciting, do people love this sport?
it is not 'football.' hell when do they use the 'foot' except when to kick a fieldgoal?
anyway, why do people love seeing these huge goliaths of humanity, most with no skill than the average guy (huge nonetheless, playing this silly game?American 'football' sucks. other then highlights, which can be exciting, do people love this sport?
People aren't told that American football is cool. Everyone just realizes it is. There is scoring, hitting, amazing skill plays and excitement.
I am a fan of football(soccer)too. The reason why it won't be popular in America isn't because of advertising. Its because Americans as a whole are impatient. They want to see scoring and don't have the patience to sit and watch a game where the final may be 1-0.American 'football' sucks. other then highlights, which can be exciting, do people love this sport?
Brits. If you don't get it by now, you never will.
Evidently, while worrying about stupid side points like: I say old chap, why do you suppose they call it football - I haven't seen him kick the ball in quite awhile now?, your closed mind has completely missed the fun of the game.
Because there is strategy, physical play and scoring. Anybody that watches or has played the sport is struck by its combination of skill and violance. As you become more familiar to the game, you enjoy the little things that are important to the game but are not readily noticable to the untrained eye such as a great block by the offensive line.
I do not know, I can't stand watching football. Thank goodness, my husband doesn't watch it either since so many men are addicted to it. I don't know why. Just a bunch of over sized men trying to push each other around.
To all that hate ';American'; Football,
Football is a game that requires very many different skills. From the smaller fast guy that can run in the open field to the big Offensive and Defensive Lineman going at each other and all skills in between. They all perform a choreographed skill that requires many hours of preparation. I'm not going to sit on here and blast soccer. I hate the game but I'm not going to insult the game itself and the people who enjoy playing it. If you had to make a list of how many different skills it takes to play the game of soccer at each individual position, it would not even come close to the amount to play this great game. People Love it for it's complexity, roller coaster of emotions, heroism, and how it depicts american life. Watching how men can reach down deep when they're tired and hurt and know they can't quit because their teammates depend on them. Kind of sounds like life, got to go to work because your family depends on you. Doesen't matter what is good for you, it's what's good for your family. Maybe if our society took this same approach to life like it did at one time, we probably wouldn't have kids starving and going without because their parents ran off because they felt ';Life is too hard';. That's a joke. Suck it up and take care of bussiness. just like they do on the field
Well for someone who don't understand the game what you need to do is go to a American ';football'; game and yell what you ask in this question real loud.
I mean hollow it out just as loud as you can over an over i;m sure someone will teach the *AMERICAN WAY* AND BEFORE YOU LEAVE : Hollowing your question out you will be tough a thing or two about when they use there ';foot'; and show you the expects of fieldgoals:~)
Yes we love American football.
You will to in your first lesson.
Why do we repeatedly have this discussion? We love the sport and most of the world doesn't...end of story. The game is fairly complex so it's not easily understood simply by watching which is why most ';fans'; couldn't tell you what they saw on any routine play. The game is one of the few in which the coach has a huge impact in the actual outcome of the game. I could ';coach'; the Yankees for one game and they would be fine despite my incompetance. But to coach a football game one must master the fundamentals and analyze each position matchup to determine an overall game philosphy specified to the specific opponent. It just looks like a bunch of guys running into each other, but every player must execute his task or the play is ruined.
The only real way to appreciate the game is to watch it with someone who knows what the heck is going on and, I'm afraid, most ';fans'; just want to see someone waylaid.
The skill is there, it is hard to see if you look at the whole thing...football is like Cubism (that has to be the first time that comparison has been made) in that you can only understand the whole if you look at the components on an individual basis.
It's a great game and, if understood, can be entertaining year round although the season is only 16 weeks.
But, it's not for everyone. Hopefully, that provides an insight.
in American football... people actually make contact... people get hurt... it's the modern sport of gladiators.. like it or not...
Soccer is like bad sex... a lot of build up for an unsatisfying finish...
Soccer sucks.
You danm brit. Well, actually, I'm Brithish too..... Ok. Why do people like soccor? Huh? Or actually football? Does it really matter what the name is? I mean, Curling is called curling for what reason? Football here is like that. It doesn't matter.... And when it was invented here in the south (Tennesse, Virginia, GEORGIA!, Alabama etc.) they used they're feet to kick the ball, it was pretty much just Rugby.
And it is a SPORT! Have you ever played? I play Quarterback and it takes TON OF SKILL, you have to be able to run, throw and take hits as a Quarterback, and I wouldn't even say I'm in the hardest position!
You know what you suck. Stop complaining about why no Americans love your game and please stop telling about how your name doesn't make any sense in which you don't make any sense. The game of football takes many skills. What does it take to play soccer: endurance and a couple of legs. Wow that takes alot of talent. Football is the most exiciting game on this planet. I will stand beside it while you damn europeans keep reaping on it.
I would love to see you stand eye to eye and tell a three hundred pound lineman and tell him he doesn't have any skills and that he is playing a ';silly'; game. Then report back to me and tell me what he did to you.
Then you say that these huge goliaths of humanity, most with no skill than the average guy. You seem like the average dumbass kind of guy why don't you go play some football with the pro's and since your such an average dumb-*** of a guy you will probably do pretty well. Your a DUMB-***.
I love football and hate soccer. Soccer is the most boring game on the face of the planet. WOW a goal was in the 40 minute WOW. Then you won't see another goal until another 40 minutes goes by (if your lucky). Soccer is ranked as one of the last sports in america even AFL(Arena Football League) is ranked higher actually every type of football is ranked higher than soccer. And to answer your retarded qeustion yes I LOVE FOOTBALL. I LOVE FOOTBALL. I LOVE FOOTBALL. I LOVE FOOTBALL.
I love the game, as do my son and my husband. We love the excitement, the adrenaline, and especially the New England Patriots.....Who cares why it is called what it is? IT IS AN AWESOME GAME!
same reason why ppl watch WWF
Let me guess. You like insurgents,you will vote for Hillary, and you enjoy 1-0 soccer matches. Shut up idiot.
I love American football. Your one freak of nature
Have you ever played American football. If you have you would know that it is one of the toughest sports. You alot of talk but I beat you wouldnt have the guts to say ';why do people love seeing these huge goliaths of humanity, most with no skill than the average guy (huge nonetheless, playing this silly game?'; to someone like ED REED or RAY LEWIS because you would get the **** knocked out of you.
Please keep your opinion for yourself if you are planning on expressing them this way, I love the Sports and although I disagree on the naming I find it to be the most exciting sports ever, and believe me I did not know much about it until about 10 years ago, soccer and basket ball were my world... anyway feel free to like or dislike something and let others like and dislike stuff also just stay diplomatic when expressing yourself .
man let me tell you something. you probably like soccer and i have a problem with that. dont come in to the american football part and knock the sport. go hang out with all your soccer fags and discuss the score (which is probably going to be 1-0)of the world cup.
football and NASCAR rule in this country. so please, don't try to force your gay a$$, boring a$$ soccer and formula 1 down our throats, we like our sports to be manly and competitive, so watch your sissy sports and leave us alone
Why does anybody like any sport?
Why do people actually spend their time and money following rugby or baseball or handball or figure skating or the luge?
Because they like it; simple as that. I might not like what they prefer, but what does that matter?
Dude you are just mad because you found out that American's don't even watch highlights of SOCCER. I mean at least you can watch Football highlights. Hell even ARENA Football ranks about soccer in this country. So why not go run down the sport on the soccer board instead. For the record highlights don't come close to showing the excitement. Assuming you watch soccer by your comments would you see a goal getting kicked in and think that game is exciting. Now say you saw about a minute of play prior to the goal and saw actual action that lead to the goal. Wouldn't that be more exciting.
I personaly HATE this thing.. I wonder why do they call it football!!!! They should change the name..no no they should stop playing it..its stupid.. you are totaly right, no skills or anything. and even the highlights are not even exciting!! ew i just hate this thing.. (i dont call this a game or sport).
Because people are told it's cool to watch it. Billions of dollars is spend telling people it's cool when really it's just a game fabricated to allow excessive amounts of commercials telling people what to buy.
That's why real Football (soccer) isn't popular in the US. Because there is only one 15 minute break and the rest is action, not profitible for commercials.
I hate football, The only sport worth watching is college basketball the rest is either boring or paid off in advance.
I love this game , for me is as strategic as chess and spectacular as basket
anyway, why do people love seeing these huge goliaths of humanity, most with no skill than the average guy (huge nonetheless, playing this silly game?American 'football' sucks. other then highlights, which can be exciting, do people love this sport?
People aren't told that American football is cool. Everyone just realizes it is. There is scoring, hitting, amazing skill plays and excitement.
I am a fan of football(soccer)too. The reason why it won't be popular in America isn't because of advertising. Its because Americans as a whole are impatient. They want to see scoring and don't have the patience to sit and watch a game where the final may be 1-0.American 'football' sucks. other then highlights, which can be exciting, do people love this sport?
Brits. If you don't get it by now, you never will.
Evidently, while worrying about stupid side points like: I say old chap, why do you suppose they call it football - I haven't seen him kick the ball in quite awhile now?, your closed mind has completely missed the fun of the game.
Because there is strategy, physical play and scoring. Anybody that watches or has played the sport is struck by its combination of skill and violance. As you become more familiar to the game, you enjoy the little things that are important to the game but are not readily noticable to the untrained eye such as a great block by the offensive line.
I do not know, I can't stand watching football. Thank goodness, my husband doesn't watch it either since so many men are addicted to it. I don't know why. Just a bunch of over sized men trying to push each other around.
To all that hate ';American'; Football,
Football is a game that requires very many different skills. From the smaller fast guy that can run in the open field to the big Offensive and Defensive Lineman going at each other and all skills in between. They all perform a choreographed skill that requires many hours of preparation. I'm not going to sit on here and blast soccer. I hate the game but I'm not going to insult the game itself and the people who enjoy playing it. If you had to make a list of how many different skills it takes to play the game of soccer at each individual position, it would not even come close to the amount to play this great game. People Love it for it's complexity, roller coaster of emotions, heroism, and how it depicts american life. Watching how men can reach down deep when they're tired and hurt and know they can't quit because their teammates depend on them. Kind of sounds like life, got to go to work because your family depends on you. Doesen't matter what is good for you, it's what's good for your family. Maybe if our society took this same approach to life like it did at one time, we probably wouldn't have kids starving and going without because their parents ran off because they felt ';Life is too hard';. That's a joke. Suck it up and take care of bussiness. just like they do on the field
Well for someone who don't understand the game what you need to do is go to a American ';football'; game and yell what you ask in this question real loud.
I mean hollow it out just as loud as you can over an over i;m sure someone will teach the *AMERICAN WAY* AND BEFORE YOU LEAVE : Hollowing your question out you will be tough a thing or two about when they use there ';foot'; and show you the expects of fieldgoals:~)
Yes we love American football.
You will to in your first lesson.
Why do we repeatedly have this discussion? We love the sport and most of the world doesn't...end of story. The game is fairly complex so it's not easily understood simply by watching which is why most ';fans'; couldn't tell you what they saw on any routine play. The game is one of the few in which the coach has a huge impact in the actual outcome of the game. I could ';coach'; the Yankees for one game and they would be fine despite my incompetance. But to coach a football game one must master the fundamentals and analyze each position matchup to determine an overall game philosphy specified to the specific opponent. It just looks like a bunch of guys running into each other, but every player must execute his task or the play is ruined.
The only real way to appreciate the game is to watch it with someone who knows what the heck is going on and, I'm afraid, most ';fans'; just want to see someone waylaid.
The skill is there, it is hard to see if you look at the whole thing...football is like Cubism (that has to be the first time that comparison has been made) in that you can only understand the whole if you look at the components on an individual basis.
It's a great game and, if understood, can be entertaining year round although the season is only 16 weeks.
But, it's not for everyone. Hopefully, that provides an insight.
in American football... people actually make contact... people get hurt... it's the modern sport of gladiators.. like it or not...
Soccer is like bad sex... a lot of build up for an unsatisfying finish...
Soccer sucks.
You danm brit. Well, actually, I'm Brithish too..... Ok. Why do people like soccor? Huh? Or actually football? Does it really matter what the name is? I mean, Curling is called curling for what reason? Football here is like that. It doesn't matter.... And when it was invented here in the south (Tennesse, Virginia, GEORGIA!, Alabama etc.) they used they're feet to kick the ball, it was pretty much just Rugby.
And it is a SPORT! Have you ever played? I play Quarterback and it takes TON OF SKILL, you have to be able to run, throw and take hits as a Quarterback, and I wouldn't even say I'm in the hardest position!
You know what you suck. Stop complaining about why no Americans love your game and please stop telling about how your name doesn't make any sense in which you don't make any sense. The game of football takes many skills. What does it take to play soccer: endurance and a couple of legs. Wow that takes alot of talent. Football is the most exiciting game on this planet. I will stand beside it while you damn europeans keep reaping on it.
I would love to see you stand eye to eye and tell a three hundred pound lineman and tell him he doesn't have any skills and that he is playing a ';silly'; game. Then report back to me and tell me what he did to you.
Then you say that these huge goliaths of humanity, most with no skill than the average guy. You seem like the average dumbass kind of guy why don't you go play some football with the pro's and since your such an average dumb-*** of a guy you will probably do pretty well. Your a DUMB-***.
I love football and hate soccer. Soccer is the most boring game on the face of the planet. WOW a goal was in the 40 minute WOW. Then you won't see another goal until another 40 minutes goes by (if your lucky). Soccer is ranked as one of the last sports in america even AFL(Arena Football League) is ranked higher actually every type of football is ranked higher than soccer. And to answer your retarded qeustion yes I LOVE FOOTBALL. I LOVE FOOTBALL. I LOVE FOOTBALL. I LOVE FOOTBALL.
I love the game, as do my son and my husband. We love the excitement, the adrenaline, and especially the New England Patriots.....Who cares why it is called what it is? IT IS AN AWESOME GAME!
same reason why ppl watch WWF
Let me guess. You like insurgents,you will vote for Hillary, and you enjoy 1-0 soccer matches. Shut up idiot.
I love American football. Your one freak of nature
Have you ever played American football. If you have you would know that it is one of the toughest sports. You alot of talk but I beat you wouldnt have the guts to say ';why do people love seeing these huge goliaths of humanity, most with no skill than the average guy (huge nonetheless, playing this silly game?'; to someone like ED REED or RAY LEWIS because you would get the **** knocked out of you.
Please keep your opinion for yourself if you are planning on expressing them this way, I love the Sports and although I disagree on the naming I find it to be the most exciting sports ever, and believe me I did not know much about it until about 10 years ago, soccer and basket ball were my world... anyway feel free to like or dislike something and let others like and dislike stuff also just stay diplomatic when expressing yourself .
man let me tell you something. you probably like soccer and i have a problem with that. dont come in to the american football part and knock the sport. go hang out with all your soccer fags and discuss the score (which is probably going to be 1-0)of the world cup.
football and NASCAR rule in this country. so please, don't try to force your gay a$$, boring a$$ soccer and formula 1 down our throats, we like our sports to be manly and competitive, so watch your sissy sports and leave us alone
Why does anybody like any sport?
Why do people actually spend their time and money following rugby or baseball or handball or figure skating or the luge?
Because they like it; simple as that. I might not like what they prefer, but what does that matter?
Dude you are just mad because you found out that American's don't even watch highlights of SOCCER. I mean at least you can watch Football highlights. Hell even ARENA Football ranks about soccer in this country. So why not go run down the sport on the soccer board instead. For the record highlights don't come close to showing the excitement. Assuming you watch soccer by your comments would you see a goal getting kicked in and think that game is exciting. Now say you saw about a minute of play prior to the goal and saw actual action that lead to the goal. Wouldn't that be more exciting.
I personaly HATE this thing.. I wonder why do they call it football!!!! They should change the name..no no they should stop playing it..its stupid.. you are totaly right, no skills or anything. and even the highlights are not even exciting!! ew i just hate this thing.. (i dont call this a game or sport).
Because people are told it's cool to watch it. Billions of dollars is spend telling people it's cool when really it's just a game fabricated to allow excessive amounts of commercials telling people what to buy.
That's why real Football (soccer) isn't popular in the US. Because there is only one 15 minute break and the rest is action, not profitible for commercials.
I hate football, The only sport worth watching is college basketball the rest is either boring or paid off in advance.
I love this game , for me is as strategic as chess and spectacular as basket
Saving Highlights and performing Trick Plays on NCAA Football 08?
How do you save highlights on NCAA Football 2008, and how do you do trick plays such as the Statue of Liberty, the Hook and Ladder and Wide Receiver passes?
For saving highlights, how do you do it and how to you put them onto EA Highlights?Saving Highlights and performing Trick Plays on NCAA Football 08?
I'm going to give you suggestions for the XBOX 360, since that's what I have and you didn't specify a platform.
To save highlights, after a game is over you can select an option from the end of game menu to review every play from the game, watch clips from different angles, and save them as highlights. This requires a memory device - a hard drive, memory card, etc.
To do trick plays, you select them from the playbook just like any other - you can identify them as trick plays by the neon green lines that show up in the play... An example of a frequently suggested one is the Jet Sweep. Go into the practice mode and take your time to explore the full playbook, you'll find quite a few useful trick plays.Saving Highlights and performing Trick Plays on NCAA Football 08?
what are the steps to get to that option??? Report Abuse
For saving highlights, how do you do it and how to you put them onto EA Highlights?Saving Highlights and performing Trick Plays on NCAA Football 08?
I'm going to give you suggestions for the XBOX 360, since that's what I have and you didn't specify a platform.
To save highlights, after a game is over you can select an option from the end of game menu to review every play from the game, watch clips from different angles, and save them as highlights. This requires a memory device - a hard drive, memory card, etc.
To do trick plays, you select them from the playbook just like any other - you can identify them as trick plays by the neon green lines that show up in the play... An example of a frequently suggested one is the Jet Sweep. Go into the practice mode and take your time to explore the full playbook, you'll find quite a few useful trick plays.Saving Highlights and performing Trick Plays on NCAA Football 08?
what are the steps to get to that option??? Report Abuse
What is the song on the highlights of this week's college football live on espn. It is a soft rock song.?
All i can remember about the lyrics are ';find you in the atmosphere'; , ';Holding on so tight but you can't let go'; , ';turn me into something real';.What is the song on the highlights of this week's college football live on espn. It is a soft rock song.?
the song is wake up call by colourslide
the song is wake up call by colourslide
Saving Highlights and Trick plays on NCAA Football 08?
How do you save highlights on NCAA Football 2008, and how do you do trick plays such as the Statue of Liberty, the Hook and Ladder and Wide Receiver passes?
For saving highlights, how do you do it and how to you put them onto EA Highlights?Saving Highlights and Trick plays on NCAA Football 08?
Replay,I think and go to save replay
For saving highlights, how do you do it and how to you put them onto EA Highlights?Saving Highlights and Trick plays on NCAA Football 08?
Replay,I think and go to save replay
Do you know where i can watch highlights of the 2007 UCLA vs. CAL football game?
theres nothing on youtube.Do you know where i can watch highlights of the 2007 UCLA vs. CAL football game?
Try searching on u tubeDo you know where i can watch highlights of the 2007 UCLA vs. CAL football game?
ESPN Classic
try www.ucla.rivals.com and search highlights or try www.ucla.scout.comskin tags
Try searching on u tubeDo you know where i can watch highlights of the 2007 UCLA vs. CAL football game?
ESPN Classic
try www.ucla.rivals.com and search highlights or try www.ucla.scout.com
Wher can I see match highlights from football (soccer) matches because on Youtube it gets removed by netrusult
footytubeWher can I see match highlights from football (soccer) matches because on Youtube it gets removed by netrusult
all stuff is free....plus....u cna get different higlights..i.e long,short etc.!!
all stuff is free....plus....u cna get different higlights..i.e long,short etc.!!
Football video highlights?
does anyone know where i can view highlights from yesterdays fixtures from the premier leagueFootball video highlights?
http://www.goalvideo.comFootball video highlights?
www.fottytube.com press the section you want and there are loads of videos with different sections for all the games!
http://www.goalvideo.comFootball video highlights?
www.fottytube.com press the section you want and there are loads of videos with different sections for all the games!
What channel and what days show the highlights of the championship[ football]?
i am a newcastle supporter so i am unsure of when the highlights are shown, bit used to match of the day lol
i know the season does not start for another 3 weeks,
any help wpuld be greatfulWhat channel and what days show the highlights of the championship[ football]?
footytube have highlights of most leagues posted regularly.What channel and what days show the highlights of the championship[ football]?
Haha 'The championship' is on a Sunday.....ITV 10am or 11am....that was last season anyway.....
If you have had a particularly heavey Saturday and can't get up put them up on this website a coupkle fo days after mate -
Obviously nothing on there at the minute.......
Welcome to a real League!!!
i know the season does not start for another 3 weeks,
any help wpuld be greatfulWhat channel and what days show the highlights of the championship[ football]?
footytube have highlights of most leagues posted regularly.What channel and what days show the highlights of the championship[ football]?
Haha 'The championship' is on a Sunday.....ITV 10am or 11am....that was last season anyway.....
If you have had a particularly heavey Saturday and can't get up put them up on this website a coupkle fo days after mate -
Obviously nothing on there at the minute.......
Welcome to a real League!!!
Where can i download/watch highlights of football games on the net? I mean football as in soccer, just in case
I knew one place that had links to files of all types, highlights, full matches from all around the world, but they got threatened cos they were infringing copyrights blah blah..So I'm lookin for a new place, has to be good, cos this last place was the $hit man...Where can i download/watch highlights of football games on the net? I mean football as in soccer, just in case
The best I have found is Maxxed Football forum @ fbtz.com. You have to register (which is free, and they dont sell your email or contact you alot) and then you are in. People post whole games, highlights, compilations, etc. The whole 9 yards, old and new games. That's the best, but like written above they have had problems with copyright. Since it is a forum though, I believe they will get thru it. Fifa.com has soccer footage of entire classic games, classic players and teams, etc. Their setup is fun to watch oldies...to file thru and remember a highlight from your childhood or something. Also youtube.com has a decent amount of highlights, but it is not dedicated to soccer, so it's all reliant on if someone feels like putting the highlights up or not. Uefa.com puts up highlights as well, but they seem to really be under the legal constraints of copyrights.Where can i download/watch highlights of football games on the net? I mean football as in soccer, just in case
heres a good one for live games
i use the itv.mop plugin ( works fine on most games )
Don't be dirty, wanker
The best I have found is Maxxed Football forum @ fbtz.com. You have to register (which is free, and they dont sell your email or contact you alot) and then you are in. People post whole games, highlights, compilations, etc. The whole 9 yards, old and new games. That's the best, but like written above they have had problems with copyright. Since it is a forum though, I believe they will get thru it. Fifa.com has soccer footage of entire classic games, classic players and teams, etc. Their setup is fun to watch oldies...to file thru and remember a highlight from your childhood or something. Also youtube.com has a decent amount of highlights, but it is not dedicated to soccer, so it's all reliant on if someone feels like putting the highlights up or not. Uefa.com puts up highlights as well, but they seem to really be under the legal constraints of copyrights.Where can i download/watch highlights of football games on the net? I mean football as in soccer, just in case
heres a good one for live games
i use the itv.mop plugin ( works fine on most games )
Don't be dirty, wanker
Video highlights on NCAA football 09?
how do you make one? i can take the pictures easily but i want to make videos.. how do i do it?Video highlights on NCAA football 09?
Pretty easy.
Use Sony Vegas. Very user friendly. To actually get the videos to edit, use VDownloader to download videos from youtube.
Pretty easy.
Use Sony Vegas. Very user friendly. To actually get the videos to edit, use VDownloader to download videos from youtube.
Is there a way to watch other english football leagues on tv (highlights)?
Is there a way to watch football division 1,2,3, coca cola championship and whatever else highlights on terestrial (sp? aka bbc 1, bbc 2, itv1, channel 4, five.) If not, is there somewhere I can watch highlights on the internet for free? I know there's MOTD but that only shows premiership.Is there a way to watch other english football leagues on tv (highlights)?
here's one of a few that i use use,click on the BLACK title of the match you want to watch and a list will appear,i use NO P2P,it streams without the need of any downloading of software.The best thing is it's all sports AND it plays the 3pm saturday games live.let me know what you think..Is there a way to watch other english football leagues on tv (highlights)?
Soccer A.M
Gillette Soccer Special (When Theres A Prem MAtch On)
Gillette covers all the scores from league 1 to the Prem
other then that i think that's it that i can think of.....
If you have the online tv software you can watch literally thousands of international tv channels online on your pc.skin tags
here's one of a few that i use use,click on the BLACK title of the match you want to watch and a list will appear,i use NO P2P,it streams without the need of any downloading of software.The best thing is it's all sports AND it plays the 3pm saturday games live.let me know what you think..Is there a way to watch other english football leagues on tv (highlights)?
Soccer A.M
Gillette Soccer Special (When Theres A Prem MAtch On)
Gillette covers all the scores from league 1 to the Prem
other then that i think that's it that i can think of.....
If you have the online tv software you can watch literally thousands of international tv channels online on your pc.
On which website can you watch highlights of leeds united football club football matches?ld you like to ask?
have you tried justin tv.....................On which website can you watch highlights of leeds united football club football matches?ld you like to ask?
Leeds is graeat, they will be back sooner or later.On which website can you watch highlights of leeds united football club football matches?ld you like to ask?
Virgin Media Sport type it in on google go to football once on the page, and who's your childhood friend?
Dont know but your not a football fan then!!!
Leeds is graeat, they will be back sooner or later.On which website can you watch highlights of leeds united football club football matches?ld you like to ask?
Virgin Media Sport type it in on google go to football once on the page, and who's your childhood friend?
Dont know but your not a football fan then!!!
Trying to find a greatest football plays highlights on itunes.?
im looking for the greatest football plays of all time or just good plays, tackles, or anything like that on itunes
please help
thanksTrying to find a greatest football plays highlights on itunes.?
just google Peyton ManningTrying to find a greatest football plays highlights on itunes.?
Try and find Sheldon Brown's hit on Reggie Bush in the Divisional Playoffs last year, it's vicious; Bush took a while to get up, his arms were shaking, wow! Or Brian Dawkins taking out Michael Vick, Vick got laid out like the dog he is.
search BIGGEST CHEATERS and you can see all of the Pats spygate videos
Look up Ladainian Tomlinson. Plenty of highlights there.
please help
thanksTrying to find a greatest football plays highlights on itunes.?
just google Peyton ManningTrying to find a greatest football plays highlights on itunes.?
Try and find Sheldon Brown's hit on Reggie Bush in the Divisional Playoffs last year, it's vicious; Bush took a while to get up, his arms were shaking, wow! Or Brian Dawkins taking out Michael Vick, Vick got laid out like the dog he is.
search BIGGEST CHEATERS and you can see all of the Pats spygate videos
Look up Ladainian Tomlinson. Plenty of highlights there.
How are the highlighted lines on the prof. football fields done now? Is it done digitally?
I am assuming you mean the ';1st down'; and sometimes the ';Line of Scrimmage'; lines they put on the field. IF that's the case, then it is done with special cameras and equipment, obviously if you are at a real game you cannot see them, it only appears on the tv broadcast.How are the highlighted lines on the prof. football fields done now? Is it done digitally?
Its done with computers. There is usually a Blue line to go along with the yellow first down line. Sometimes there is a red line to show where the offense needs to get to be in a field goal kickers range. But anyways they they dont use chalk or anything. They dont have someone who books it 40 across the field and gets ran over. Its all done digitally.How are the highlighted lines on the prof. football fields done now? Is it done digitally?
Yes it is done digitally, which is to say it's done using software and computers. I recall there was a certain company that invented the technology and provides it to the networks.
only the first down line that appears in yellow is done digitaly. the rest of the markings are done with simple field chalk powder, otherwise the players wouldnt see where the yard markings are.
nope, still done with good old chalk outline powder.
Its done with computers. There is usually a Blue line to go along with the yellow first down line. Sometimes there is a red line to show where the offense needs to get to be in a field goal kickers range. But anyways they they dont use chalk or anything. They dont have someone who books it 40 across the field and gets ran over. Its all done digitally.How are the highlighted lines on the prof. football fields done now? Is it done digitally?
Yes it is done digitally, which is to say it's done using software and computers. I recall there was a certain company that invented the technology and provides it to the networks.
only the first down line that appears in yellow is done digitaly. the rest of the markings are done with simple field chalk powder, otherwise the players wouldnt see where the yard markings are.
nope, still done with good old chalk outline powder.
Where can i watch football (soccer) highlights online for free(other than youtube.com)?
and live stuff on sopcastWhere can i watch football (soccer) highlights online for free(other than youtube.com)?
footy tube
virgin sports video
ppliveWhere can i watch football (soccer) highlights online for free(other than youtube.com)?
The BBC sport.
I believe you can go to www.FIFA.com and watch some highlights of recent matches. At that site you can also review the scores of recent matches.
and live stuff on sopcastWhere can i watch football (soccer) highlights online for free(other than youtube.com)?
footy tube
virgin sports video
ppliveWhere can i watch football (soccer) highlights online for free(other than youtube.com)?
The BBC sport.
I believe you can go to www.FIFA.com and watch some highlights of recent matches. At that site you can also review the scores of recent matches.
Latest Football Video Highlights?
Which websites can I go and watch all the latest football video highlights for free? I'm lazy to search for clips in youtube.Latest Football Video Highlights?
youtube.comLatest Football Video Highlights?
u can try www.soccervee.com
youtube.comLatest Football Video Highlights?
u can try www.soccervee.com
Football: World cup Qualifiers: Which channel are the highlights of all games on?
not the live games, just the catch-up edition where all games are featured please?Football: World cup Qualifiers: Which channel are the highlights of all games on?
LOLskin tags
Where can i watch china superlegue soccer ( football ) games and highlights?
you may try at http://soccer.freezoka.com
and http://cricket.110mb.com
and http://cricket.110mb.com
Football highlights?
Where Can i See good football highlights On YouTube does not mater If its high school College or Nfl Defence And OffenceFootball highlights?
NFL.com has a pretty sweet setup. It has highlights from teams each week, and individual players, along with a lot more.
http://www.nfl.com/videosFootball highlights?
go to nfl.com
here's a football lowlight
Nfl.com or on youtube, click football highlights.
NFL.com has a pretty sweet setup. It has highlights from teams each week, and individual players, along with a lot more.
http://www.nfl.com/videosFootball highlights?
go to nfl.com
here's a football lowlight
Nfl.com or on youtube, click football highlights.
Can i watch on-line highlights of Premiership Football (like MoTD) but from outside of the UK?
http://www.myp2p.eu/Can i watch on-line highlights of Premiership Football (like MoTD) but from outside of the UK?
Watch football games online.Can i watch on-line highlights of Premiership Football (like MoTD) but from outside of the UK?
www.blip.tv or dailymotion
not sure what ya mean but livesoccertv.com has highlites from damn near every game played all the time
dont know
Watch football games online.Can i watch on-line highlights of Premiership Football (like MoTD) but from outside of the UK?
www.blip.tv or dailymotion
not sure what ya mean but livesoccertv.com has highlites from damn near every game played all the time
dont know
Football Highlights made into Movies, please help?
So I have Windows movie maker and I want to make a video of some football highlights of this past season. It's not going to be for anything but personal use. I used to play a MMORPG and I have Fraps to record stuff but I don't know a good website to get said highlights. I tried going to youtube but all those people have music and stuff in the back ground over top the announcers. If you know a place or a way I can get the highlights can you please help. Also, it's Steelers highlights I'm more interested. Thank you very much in advance for your helpFootball Highlights made into Movies, please help?
not all youtube vids have music
not all youtube vids have music
Besides youtube, dailymotion and google video, which sites offers latest football(soccer) video highlights?
soccervee.comBesides youtube, dailymotion and google video, which sites offers latest football(soccer) video highlights?
and i think fifa does tooBesides youtube, dailymotion and google video, which sites offers latest football(soccer) video highlights?
try football101.co.uk this site might help you
and i think fifa does tooBesides youtube, dailymotion and google video, which sites offers latest football(soccer) video highlights?
try football101.co.uk this site might help you
How do you create videos highlights on ncaa football 09 for the 360?
i have this videosi want to keep but dont know how to save it.How do you create videos highlights on ncaa football 09 for the 360?
Assuming you are talking about the console, you need a capture card to record it.skin tags
Assuming you are talking about the console, you need a capture card to record it.
Sunday Football Highlights?
What show is best for watching Sunday NFL Football highlights? I don't want a whole lot of analysis, just recaps and highlights in a timely manner. What show (such as NFL Primetime, NFL Live, Sportscenter, or a Half-time show) is best for these highlights and what time does it come on? Keep in mind that I'm in school from 6am - 2:30pm.Sunday Football Highlights?
Actually just go to NFL.com and click on the games at the top and there should be highlights of each game if you click on it and you don't have to wait to get through annoying baseball highlights.Sunday Football Highlights?
If you have ESPNEWS, that's your best bet... not a lot of analysis... just highlights and they have the stat tracker on the bottom of the screen through out the commercial breaks, so you get stats without highlights
SportsCenter then...because it's replayed often throughout the day.
Since I don't know where you live, I can't tell you the actual times...but SC replays it often.
Actually just go to NFL.com and click on the games at the top and there should be highlights of each game if you click on it and you don't have to wait to get through annoying baseball highlights.Sunday Football Highlights?
If you have ESPNEWS, that's your best bet... not a lot of analysis... just highlights and they have the stat tracker on the bottom of the screen through out the commercial breaks, so you get stats without highlights
SportsCenter then...because it's replayed often throughout the day.
Since I don't know where you live, I can't tell you the actual times...but SC replays it often.
Buford high school 2000 football highlights?
the best i have ever seen.i am a big time fan. geaux bufordBuford high school 2000 football highlights?
on chanel 666.
on chanel 666.
Football highlights?
what sites can i go on to watch highlights of the premiership.
i am desperte to watch how the hammers lost 2-0 cos i couldnt watch the match mysself as i was on holiday.Football highlights?
try this http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/default.鈥?/a>
i am desperte to watch how the hammers lost 2-0 cos i couldnt watch the match mysself as i was on holiday.Football highlights?
try this http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/default.鈥?/a>
Football Highlights Rap Music?
Its got to be clean, with absolutely no swear words what so ever. This is going on to be on TV. So I need good hype music.Football Highlights Rap Music?
Let's Go by Trick Daddy. It has language, but Im sure you can get an edited version.Football Highlights Rap Music?
make it rain edited version
Pump it up by joe budden [radio edit] [edited]
Let's Go by Trick Daddy. It has language, but Im sure you can get an edited version.Football Highlights Rap Music?
make it rain edited version
Pump it up by joe budden [radio edit] [edited]
Where can i get highlights from football-soccer game for free?
Watch BBC1 or ITV in the UKWhere can i get highlights from football-soccer game for free?
On ESPN!Where can i get highlights from football-soccer game for free?
:P www.espndeportes.com
On ESPN!Where can i get highlights from football-soccer game for free?
:P www.espndeportes.com
ITV International football highlights?
Does anyone know the song name at the start of that programme? First helpful answer gets ';best answer';ITV International football highlights?
dont knowskin tags
dont know
Verlond Brown/u of houston football highlights?
pic or video 1989-1992Verlond Brown/u of houston football highlights?
Hi, please I wanna watch football highlights online?
but I don;t wanna to watch only the goals coz I wanna see who was playing better like the news report for the weekHi, please I wanna watch football highlights online?
try justin tv.............................Hi, please I wanna watch football highlights online?
If you want scottish football go on bbc.co.uk/football. try itv.com for prem football
try justin tv.............................Hi, please I wanna watch football highlights online?
If you want scottish football go on bbc.co.uk/football. try itv.com for prem football
Looking for the football highlights from Steubenville Herald Star 1958 season.?
Did Dean Martin play on that team? I know he's from Steuberville as well as Tracy Lords.
How can I watch Premiership matchs Highlights from France. I miss my weekly dose of English football?
Available by satellite TV. Some free channels regularly show highlights. German sports channel DFS, on Astra 19.2 east, for one. You could get a Sky system; either the free channels(including BBC)only, or subscribe to the sports channels.How can I watch Premiership matchs Highlights from France. I miss my weekly dose of English football?
Get Sky Sports.
You Gett alll the games too!How can I watch Premiership matchs Highlights from France. I miss my weekly dose of English football?
Either get a satellite dish that carries Sky sports or Setanta, or see if your club sends things to your mobile phone
Try http://www.football.virginmedia.com I鈥檓 not sure it will work in France but Virgin have the official on-line highlights for the premiership. Hope this helps.
Hahahahaha you cant watch football hahahaha i ahte football i wish they would all just get real jobs
The best place is
Go to http://soccer.sports-channels.com
Watch football games online.
More than 1 million users are already enjoying the incredible variety.
Get Sky Sports.
You Gett alll the games too!How can I watch Premiership matchs Highlights from France. I miss my weekly dose of English football?
Either get a satellite dish that carries Sky sports or Setanta, or see if your club sends things to your mobile phone
Try http://www.football.virginmedia.com I鈥檓 not sure it will work in France but Virgin have the official on-line highlights for the premiership. Hope this helps.
Hahahahaha you cant watch football hahahaha i ahte football i wish they would all just get real jobs
The best place is
Go to http://soccer.sports-channels.com
Watch football games online.
More than 1 million users are already enjoying the incredible variety.
Wvu fans how did you like the football game saturday? check out noel devine... here is a highlight video...?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0xAEXMsB鈥?/a>Wvu fans how did you like the football game saturday? check out noel devine... here is a highlight video...?
I think that WVU is going to be awesome this year. Noel Devine has great potential, and he will carry on WVU tradition long after Slaton and White are gone. They will win the big east and if they continue playing like they did on Saturday, they definitely have a shot at a BCS bid. GO EERS!Wvu fans how did you like the football game saturday? check out noel devine... here is a highlight video...?
WVU option offense is domination along with White,Slaton and the true freshman Noel Devine
And it will be the first of many. I got to see him play in high school, and it looks like he's going to do great things at WVU. He gets to learn behind one of the best backs in the nation, and will fit perfectly in WVU system.
Thanks for the video. They looked pretty good but if they have national championship aspirations the defense has to get a lot better. 24 points to Western Michigan isn't anything to brag about.. ..
Thank you. As the biggest WVU fan stuck in ';big'; 10 territory, I was afraid that I wouldn't get to see this. If it wasn't for Thursday nights I would never get to see them except on their New Year's Day bowl game. Even if ESPN picks them up the local network would rather show the weekly Illinois/Purdue/Northwestern vs. Pastie they think they can beat (some times they are wrong) game. It's like watching paint dry. How could they think that even folks out here wouldn't rather be watching that offense??!!
Good stuff. WVU looks awesome. If you want to see another true freshman running back a bit like Devine who is also going to have an impact this year, check out #4, Jahvid Best of the Cal Bears. He outran Tenn a couple times last weekend.
I think that WVU is going to be awesome this year. Noel Devine has great potential, and he will carry on WVU tradition long after Slaton and White are gone. They will win the big east and if they continue playing like they did on Saturday, they definitely have a shot at a BCS bid. GO EERS!Wvu fans how did you like the football game saturday? check out noel devine... here is a highlight video...?
WVU option offense is domination along with White,Slaton and the true freshman Noel Devine
And it will be the first of many. I got to see him play in high school, and it looks like he's going to do great things at WVU. He gets to learn behind one of the best backs in the nation, and will fit perfectly in WVU system.
Thanks for the video. They looked pretty good but if they have national championship aspirations the defense has to get a lot better. 24 points to Western Michigan isn't anything to brag about.. ..
Thank you. As the biggest WVU fan stuck in ';big'; 10 territory, I was afraid that I wouldn't get to see this. If it wasn't for Thursday nights I would never get to see them except on their New Year's Day bowl game. Even if ESPN picks them up the local network would rather show the weekly Illinois/Purdue/Northwestern vs. Pastie they think they can beat (some times they are wrong) game. It's like watching paint dry. How could they think that even folks out here wouldn't rather be watching that offense??!!
Good stuff. WVU looks awesome. If you want to see another true freshman running back a bit like Devine who is also going to have an impact this year, check out #4, Jahvid Best of the Cal Bears. He outran Tenn a couple times last weekend.
College Football Highlights?
Does anyone know where I can get college football highlights for all of the teams? or a lot of them?College Football Highlights?
espn.com or ncaafootball.comCollege Football Highlights?
Try espn.com other then that I don't know oh also you can get a few highlights from yahoo sportsskin tags
espn.com or ncaafootball.comCollege Football Highlights?
Try espn.com other then that I don't know oh also you can get a few highlights from yahoo sports
Noticed that Spam so bad on Amer Football now that all four currently highlighted Resolved Questions are?
posted by feeder IDs and answered by the same ID
What website can you go to watch NFL pro-bowl live for free online?
Where is the best website for us to watch NFL pro bowl live for free online?
Is there any website to watch NFL pro-bowl live for free on my PC?
How can I watch NFL pro bowl live for free online?Noticed that Spam so bad on Amer Football now that all four currently highlighted Resolved Questions are?
That is pretty blatant. Most of the other spammers post a few silly words to fake answering any question and then post their spam. Good catch noticing same name on all of them though.Noticed that Spam so bad on Amer Football now that all four currently highlighted Resolved Questions are?
What about before the Super Bowl - 2 of 3 questions was who's gonna win. The third was where to watch for free.
Anyway, what do you expect? Yahoo is the king of spam. Ever check your mailbox? Ever had an important message go to your spam folder because someone sent it from overseas? Yahoo should have a special section called ';Spam'; since it seems to be what they're best at.
GUESS what dude the day after the superbowl i tryed to put i youtube video of the Harrison run back because #56 on the steelers HIT soem guy in the back which is a CHOPPED block or blocking in the back
But when i tryed postinbg the question they wouldnt let me they REMOVED it the only thing i can think of is they new it was a fixed game so the nfl prolly paid people not to let rumors be spread and yahoo is a really BIG internet company so i cant think of any other reason why they would do that IT didnt have curses in it it was a simple ';LOOK AT THIS CHOP BLOCK?'; question and they wouldnt let it be posted!!i dont understand it..what do you guys think
Keepinit: It has nothing to do with being a ';fixed'; game. It's the NFL's lawyers. They're vicious about protecting NFL intellectual property. Look around YouTube and you'll find VERY little NFL footage.
You know how they always announce during the games that ';any use of this telecast without the express written consent of the NFL is prohibited';? Yahoo isn't going to let you post a link to an illegal clip.
What are you saying. Yes there are idiots out there.
Just like the Commish.
I don't pay much attention to that stuff!
What website can you go to watch NFL pro-bowl live for free online?
Where is the best website for us to watch NFL pro bowl live for free online?
Is there any website to watch NFL pro-bowl live for free on my PC?
How can I watch NFL pro bowl live for free online?Noticed that Spam so bad on Amer Football now that all four currently highlighted Resolved Questions are?
That is pretty blatant. Most of the other spammers post a few silly words to fake answering any question and then post their spam. Good catch noticing same name on all of them though.Noticed that Spam so bad on Amer Football now that all four currently highlighted Resolved Questions are?
What about before the Super Bowl - 2 of 3 questions was who's gonna win. The third was where to watch for free.
Anyway, what do you expect? Yahoo is the king of spam. Ever check your mailbox? Ever had an important message go to your spam folder because someone sent it from overseas? Yahoo should have a special section called ';Spam'; since it seems to be what they're best at.
GUESS what dude the day after the superbowl i tryed to put i youtube video of the Harrison run back because #56 on the steelers HIT soem guy in the back which is a CHOPPED block or blocking in the back
But when i tryed postinbg the question they wouldnt let me they REMOVED it the only thing i can think of is they new it was a fixed game so the nfl prolly paid people not to let rumors be spread and yahoo is a really BIG internet company so i cant think of any other reason why they would do that IT didnt have curses in it it was a simple ';LOOK AT THIS CHOP BLOCK?'; question and they wouldnt let it be posted!!i dont understand it..what do you guys think
Keepinit: It has nothing to do with being a ';fixed'; game. It's the NFL's lawyers. They're vicious about protecting NFL intellectual property. Look around YouTube and you'll find VERY little NFL footage.
You know how they always announce during the games that ';any use of this telecast without the express written consent of the NFL is prohibited';? Yahoo isn't going to let you post a link to an illegal clip.
What are you saying. Yes there are idiots out there.
Just like the Commish.
I don't pay much attention to that stuff!
Where can i find photos or video highlights of the 1988 season for the cortland state red dragons football?
I was a manager for the 1988 undefeated team and want some photosWhere can i find photos or video highlights of the 1988 season for the cortland state red dragons football?
who cares about that small college anywayWhere can i find photos or video highlights of the 1988 season for the cortland state red dragons football?
who cares about that small college anywayWhere can i find photos or video highlights of the 1988 season for the cortland state red dragons football?
Song on ESPN for football year highlights?
what is that song that they kept playing on the commercial where they were showing all the highlights of the year and it goes somethin' like
pictures of you pictures of me somethin' somethin' what we used to be
and who sings it thank you.Song on ESPN for football year highlights?
Last goodnight
Pictures of you
http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/lastgoodn鈥?/a>Song on ESPN for football year highlights?
drop it like its hot by snoop dog
pictures of you pictures of me somethin' somethin' what we used to be
and who sings it thank you.Song on ESPN for football year highlights?
Last goodnight
Pictures of you
http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/lastgoodn鈥?/a>Song on ESPN for football year highlights?
drop it like its hot by snoop dog
What is a good song to put to a 5 min. long highlight reel for an undefeated high school football team?
Jim Jones...We Fly High!What is a good song to put to a 5 min. long highlight reel for an undefeated high school football team?
you're better off going with something like...
';Remember the Name';-Fort Minor
';Number One';-Nelly
';Heart of a Champion';-Nelly
those are really good for any sport things. and it's not as cheesy as we are the champions.
i personally like rock. if you wanna go rock...let me know. there's too many songs to list.What is a good song to put to a 5 min. long highlight reel for an undefeated high school football team?
b52's rock lobster
Eye of The Tiger (The Rocky theme)
that's easy we are the champions
We are the Champions by Queen.
Eye of the Tiger - Rocky Theme tune
we will rock you
We will Rock you Queen
We are the champions Queen
Yah, dont do we r the champions, its so old. and everyone is getting tired of it. use a really good new song that people will enjoy. like: the blitzkrieg bop by the ramones or i wanna be sedated by the ramones
awesome songs
Queen's ';We are the Champions';
we will rock u!, we are the champions, basically any good rock song
R Kelly :- Worlds Greatest
we are the champions or eye of the tiger for this video i had for field hockey we had those two songs, pump it by the black eyed peas, and we will rock you
...we are the champions
(first guy stole my answer)
we will rock you!!!!!!!!
if you use We are the champions, i will go to your school and beat you up! Use something with a little more rock with a slap dash of metal like ';You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like A Millionaire'; by Queens of the Stone Age. (See? Even the name sounds cool!) It starts out low and menacing and then blasts into a scratchy growl. It also has areas of the song that you can use to your advantage where the song sort of stops for 3 or 4 seconds and explodes with some awesome dirty sounding guitars. It's not even a long song so you can totally make it sound like whatever you want. You can use that part where the star player kicks the ball into the field goal and wins the game or something. LOL i dunno. Just a thought. GOOD LUCK!!
you should put '; we are the champions'; by Queen
that rocky song
fall out boy's song-
'; Our Lawer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued';
it is only 3 minutes, but it kinda talks about winning and losing and it is different the the same old ';we are the champions'; the lyrics are as follows...
brothers and sisters put this record down,
take my advice cause we are bad news,
cause we will leave you high and dry,
it's not worth the hearing you'll lose,
it's just past eight and im feelin' young and reckless,
the ribbon on my wrist says do not open before christmas...
we're only liars but we're the best,
we're only good for the latest trends,
only good cause you can have almost famous friends,
besides weve got such good fashion sense...
brothers and sisters yea put these words down into your notebook,
spit words like these:
';we're friends when you're on your knees';,
make them dance like we were shooting their feet,
just past eight and im feeling young and reckless,
the ribbon on my wrist says do not open before christmas...
we're only liars but we're the best,
we're only good for the latest trends,
only good cause you can have almost famous friends,
besides weve got such good fashion sense...
only liars but we're the best,
we're only good for the latest trends...
we're only liars but we're the best,
we're only good for the latest trends,
only good cause you can have almost famous friends,
besides weve got such good fashion sense...
We Fly High- Jim Jones
';Hero'; by the Foo Fighters (I know, I know, but it still kicks ayse)
';Paint it Black'; or the song that has ';It's just a shout away!'; in the main chorus (sorry, can't remember the name) by the Rolling Stones
';Momma Said Knock You Out'; by LL Cool J
';So Watcha Want'; by the Beastie Boys
Oldies but goodies.
any rock song.
The Macarana or Ice, Ice Baby.
move- thousand foot kruch
not falling- mudvayne
anything from saliva
Queens ';we are the champions';
The best song would be Boom by P.O.D.... seriously check out the song and you will love it. You can sync the main lyrics to whenever major hit came. Our football team did this and it was amazing!!
Not sure how long this song is, but Holy Grail by Hunters and Collectors!
you're better off going with something like...
';Remember the Name';-Fort Minor
';Number One';-Nelly
';Heart of a Champion';-Nelly
those are really good for any sport things. and it's not as cheesy as we are the champions.
i personally like rock. if you wanna go rock...let me know. there's too many songs to list.What is a good song to put to a 5 min. long highlight reel for an undefeated high school football team?
b52's rock lobster
Eye of The Tiger (The Rocky theme)
that's easy we are the champions
We are the Champions by Queen.
Eye of the Tiger - Rocky Theme tune
we will rock you
We will Rock you Queen
We are the champions Queen
Yah, dont do we r the champions, its so old. and everyone is getting tired of it. use a really good new song that people will enjoy. like: the blitzkrieg bop by the ramones or i wanna be sedated by the ramones
awesome songs
Queen's ';We are the Champions';
we will rock u!, we are the champions, basically any good rock song
R Kelly :- Worlds Greatest
we are the champions or eye of the tiger for this video i had for field hockey we had those two songs, pump it by the black eyed peas, and we will rock you
...we are the champions
(first guy stole my answer)
we will rock you!!!!!!!!
if you use We are the champions, i will go to your school and beat you up! Use something with a little more rock with a slap dash of metal like ';You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like A Millionaire'; by Queens of the Stone Age. (See? Even the name sounds cool!) It starts out low and menacing and then blasts into a scratchy growl. It also has areas of the song that you can use to your advantage where the song sort of stops for 3 or 4 seconds and explodes with some awesome dirty sounding guitars. It's not even a long song so you can totally make it sound like whatever you want. You can use that part where the star player kicks the ball into the field goal and wins the game or something. LOL i dunno. Just a thought. GOOD LUCK!!
you should put '; we are the champions'; by Queen
that rocky song
fall out boy's song-
'; Our Lawer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued';
it is only 3 minutes, but it kinda talks about winning and losing and it is different the the same old ';we are the champions'; the lyrics are as follows...
brothers and sisters put this record down,
take my advice cause we are bad news,
cause we will leave you high and dry,
it's not worth the hearing you'll lose,
it's just past eight and im feelin' young and reckless,
the ribbon on my wrist says do not open before christmas...
we're only liars but we're the best,
we're only good for the latest trends,
only good cause you can have almost famous friends,
besides weve got such good fashion sense...
brothers and sisters yea put these words down into your notebook,
spit words like these:
';we're friends when you're on your knees';,
make them dance like we were shooting their feet,
just past eight and im feeling young and reckless,
the ribbon on my wrist says do not open before christmas...
we're only liars but we're the best,
we're only good for the latest trends,
only good cause you can have almost famous friends,
besides weve got such good fashion sense...
only liars but we're the best,
we're only good for the latest trends...
we're only liars but we're the best,
we're only good for the latest trends,
only good cause you can have almost famous friends,
besides weve got such good fashion sense...
We Fly High- Jim Jones
';Hero'; by the Foo Fighters (I know, I know, but it still kicks ayse)
';Paint it Black'; or the song that has ';It's just a shout away!'; in the main chorus (sorry, can't remember the name) by the Rolling Stones
';Momma Said Knock You Out'; by LL Cool J
';So Watcha Want'; by the Beastie Boys
Oldies but goodies.
any rock song.
The Macarana or Ice, Ice Baby.
move- thousand foot kruch
not falling- mudvayne
anything from saliva
Queens ';we are the champions';
The best song would be Boom by P.O.D.... seriously check out the song and you will love it. You can sync the main lyrics to whenever major hit came. Our football team did this and it was amazing!!
Not sure how long this song is, but Holy Grail by Hunters and Collectors!
Verlond Brown/u of houston football highlights?
If he was any good he wouldn't be playing at Houston
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